How much does it cost to rent a sound system?

TL;DR - Pricing can range from a lot of factors, but it generally starts from $250++ all the way to $1000+, depending on your needs and requirements.

One of the most important factors when considering to rent a sound system is the price. The price range can be pretty wide, but the cost largely depends on the type of equipment and what you need to make your event a success.

Here are some factors that will affect the pricing of the sound system:

1) Number of speakers and/or microphone

This depends on your event space as well as what is necessary. The more speakers, the higher the cost. Certain places such as offices will require more speakers due to the unusual layout, while other open spaces will just require as little as one or two speakers.

If you are unsure, you can provide us with a floor plan or request for us to do a site reece to find out. You wouldn’t want to be in a situation where there are not enough speakers to provide sufficient coverage.

For microphones, there may be cases where a single handheld microphone that can be passed between different people. Typically, an emcee will be holding onto one microphone at all times so that he/she can make announcements at any time. Some customers prefer each guest to have their own microphone (especially in a discussion). Two microphones work well for most situations, but you will have to decide what works best for you.

Our rates for additional equipment - $125 per speaker (up to 4 hours), $80 per set of wireless microphone (up to 4 hours)

2) Technical Support

For smaller events such as wedding solemnisations, a sound technician is not required to be present. We will show the person-in-charge how to operate the equipment before leaving the event site. We will teach the basics such as turning up and down the volume of each microphone, adjusting the overall volume of the speakers, replacing the microphone battery, and muting/unmuting the microphone.

If you do not have someone to operate the equipment or wish to have someone present there to make adjustments, there will be additional costs involved. We will provide a sound technician with the technical abilities to troubleshoot and fix any issues on site. This includes removing feedback from speakers, adjusting radio frequencies of wireless microphones due to interference, sound mixing, volume adjustments, and more.

The sound technician will also advise on the positioning of the speakers, microphones, amplifiers, and how to get the best sound in the situation.

Our rates for a sound technician - from $250

3) Last-minute rentals

Sometimes, you may require more equipment than you had originally planned for. This could be due to damaged in-house equipment, equipment failure from another vendor, or just pure unforeseen circumstances.

If you inform us early (at least one working day in advance), we can just add on the cost of the additional equipment without any additional charges (as long as it has not yet been booked yet)

However, if you only inform us on the day itself, there will be additional costs levied as we might have to get additional manpower to prepare/deliver/collect the equipment. We might also have our team make an additional trip back to the office to collect the equipment.

For last minute rentals, we cannot guarantee the availability of the equipment as it might be earmarked for another rental or have already been rented out.

The additional can vary (depending on equipment and time frame) but this usually starts from $80.

4) Any additional equipment

This one is pretty obvious - if you need more equipment, it will cost more. These could be equipment such as TVs, cable ramps, projector screens, and so on.

How much should you budget for the equipment? Here is a general guide:

Small private parties (less than 100 pax): Approximately $250 - $600

Medium sized events (100 pax to 300 pax): Approximately $300 to $900++

We might give you better advice once we have more details on your event. For certain events, we might recommend more speakers despite the smaller number of guests, such as wedding lunches/dinners (5-10 pax per table) and at Multi-Purpose Halls as people are spread out more and you would need more speakers to adequately cover the area.


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